8 Simple Ways to Make Her Yours in the Relationship

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8 Simple Ways to Make Her Yours in the Relationship Forever

It is not just easy to make her yours forever in a relationship if you don’t do the needful. A relationship has its principles and must be obeyed to make everything move as expected. With your presence here on this blog, we have some ways to make a girl become yours forever in a relationship.

Be measured by your own words as well as the things you do. Let her feel the connection and mutuality of your relationship. It should not only be oral but practicality and commitment. Check these tips to make her yours:


1. Listen to her

adult, communication, cute-listen more to your partner

Don’t be the accomplice as well as the judge at the same time. Listen to her sometimes even if you don’t agree with her. It is good to listen more than talk.  Be patient, humble, and compassionate to go to her to listen to what she has to say. If a lady doesn’t have a good time, she finds it difficult to open up in conversation. She will keep the truth away from you if she feels disrespected, even if she is pained or hurt.

2. Compliment Her

couple, black couple, relationship-by compliment as ways to make her yours

As you look for ways to make her yours, don’t forget to compliment her to win her heart. Tell her what you like about her, like her necklace, hairstyle, dress, or sense of humor. Be frank and truthful to her about what you are saying about her. Let her feel proud of your compliment. Do not fabricate stories to make her happy but keep being genuine.

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3. Make Her Laugh and Happy

Happiness is the key to every relationship’s success. Find ways to make her laugh when she hears your voice. It is normally difficult to do that if you don’t learn to have fun with other people. Learn by reading, watching videos of comedians, and creating content out of that to make her laugh. The world with the internet is now making it easy to learn new skills. Surprise her with your creativity and love of comedy.

4. Give her attention as the ways to make her yours

Give her attention

Be consistent in paying attention to her, considerate, and supportive of her call. Don’t be an occasional chat attention seeker. Be there for her at all times when she needs to. Attention will make her feel happy and secure to be with you. Let her know you like her every day and that you are there for her during difficulties and good times.

How many times do you call to check up on your girlfriend? Do you support her during her ups and downs? Does the needful to win her heart every day. Never allow complacency to clean your beautiful relationship.

5. Be Honest to her

Be honest to your lady as ways to make her yours
Be honest to her

Be truthful to her all day in everything you are doing. This will make her trust you and choose you as the man to be with. Trust broken is difficult to repair and get it back working as expected. Keep your promises to her if you want the best ways to make her yours. You are not the only person chasing her, so stand to be different as compared to other guys.

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6. Keep Conversations Going

Do not limit your conversation to only calls but try to add other means of communication. This will keep you people connected all day without making things flop. Keep being active for her, but not too harsh or pushy.

Let her feel like you care for her and will do whatever it takes to be with you. Read her sentiments, to understand when it is deemed appropriate to chat with her.

Approaches her with an open heart, attitude, and with much charm you’ve got for her. Let her be engaged with you a little flirty but make sure you are not too upfront.

7. Surprise her

Look at what she may love to have and surprise her with it. Bring her roses, bring her beautiful things, and surprise her with a hangout. Buy her chocolates to signify love and happiness.

If you adopt the ways to make her yours, no man can quit her from you any day. Be the man she will never be able to judge.

Let her feel like a queen in your hand by getting her gifts that she never thought of. During Valentine’s Day, buy her a beautiful dress, chocolate, and flowers. Little things turn ladies on if you are not aware.

Be the man of the moment and during her mind away from any other man. It shouldn’t just be expensive things but lovely things at the right time.

8. Give her space

Being too pushy and demanding much attention can break trust and destroy the reputation you build.


Everyone has their silent days and moments, so let things flow naturally. Never ask about everything because you are in a relationship with her.

Give her space to do her things and be happy away from you sometimes. It is worth always having her but not demanding to drive her but you all the time.

Let her feel safe and a bit spacious when the time requires. Learn to understand her and the days she demands attention.

Avoid overwhelming her with messages that could make her bored. slow down to communication if she is quiet and not answering. She probably needs time to do her things.


As you want the ways to make her yours, it is better to understand her and the days she wants you. Communicate with her often to get the connection intact all the time. Be supportive and give her the attention she demands. Listen more to her than always doing the talking.

By SuccessEra

Focus on putting smiles on the faces of the masses with thrilling and accurate information.

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