5 Signs She Is Seeing Someone Else but Hiding from You

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signs she is seeing someone else

5 Signs She Is Seeing Someone Else but Hiding from You

young woman, nicely, woman-6746059.jpg

How long have you been dating her? We will let you understand why she is behaving strangely these days and the signs she is seeing someone else. Ladies can play smart when it comes to choosing a partner. So long as you are not yet married, you will have to defend your goal post to prevent anyone from taking her away from you. Even if you are married, she can still be deceived.

You were the best loving people who could not stay without hearing from each other. You shared all your future plans and even how romantic you people were to each other. Just is a jiffy, your girlfriend starts to show chameleon character. Bro, she is getting someone’s attention. All is not over for you yet unless you don’t play your cards well.  Check these 5 Signs she is seeing someone else instead of you being the boyfriend.

1. She Starts to Lie

The first thing to identify from her is the level of truth and the way she use to speak to you. At this time she will always want to lie her way out with flimsy excuses. You may not even know some of her information is false unless you stay closer or get full evidence. The terrible part happens when you are in a long-distance relationship.

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For a long-distance relationship, the likelihood of losing her is so high because she may be getting the attention of someone closer than you. Your mode of communication might only be through phone calls and chats. She can easily do what she wants without you knowing.

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When she refused to answer your calls, she will not rush to return them as she use to do. She will give you stories like she wasn’t well, she slept over, she placed the phone on silence mode, she didn’t see any missed calls, her phone doesn’t ring anymore, and all sorts of blatant lies to cover up.

2. Communication Breaks Completely

In a relationship, you don’t force communication. It is mutual for both parties to speak and have fun without no anybody’s influence. You know your girlfriend used to call you and even does not want you to end the call to sleep. When this suddenly breaks, despite all efforts to make it better, then knows she is getting someone different.

You don’t have to ask her because she may hide the truth. You have a way to do that without her knowing you are investigating her. Get a close friend or relative to monitor her moves. You will be able to unearth everything that is keeping her away from you.

Communication is even enough to prove to know that she is giving your love to someone else you don’t know. The attention that was given to you is now for someone and the break in communications are signs she is seeing someone else.

3. She is No Longer Interested in Your Support

Let this experience tell you the truth about what I went through. The young lady I got was so kind and we share everything we had together. It got to a time when she started rejecting any offer I made to her by saying “thank you for trying to help me”. I got to know was seeing someone. We parted ways and she is gone forever with her new partner I discovered she was seeing.

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You don’t have to even ask, just look at signs and you will see that something is going on wrong in your relationship. When she starts sharing her love with someone, she will no longer be interested in whatever you do for her. Your support even if you force and give to her will not be appreciated well. You will be forcing yourself to be in a relationship but for her, you are just a standby person.

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4. She Has No interest In Discussion About your relationship

Someone who is always asking you what next and how the relationship is heading will have no interest to hear about it. She will complain that you sound repetitive in the relationship. She may not be interested in furthering the relationship just for no reason and that’s a clear signs she is seeing someone aside from you.

5. She Is Emotionally Withdrawing

If your partner starts to hang with other people, she will be withdrawing emotionally from the relationship. Your partner will start to be chatting straight forward with you by ignoring the funny way of your usual chat. If you even ask her how she is doing, she will just go ahead and say “I’m well”.  

Any day you want to ask for more details conversation about it, she will shut you down and demand to talk later. The signs she is seeing someone else is by indicating emotional withdrawal from you day in and day out. She cannot withstand the guilt when they are talking to you because they are cheating on you. They prefer to keep things to themselves by pulling out of the relationship.

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By SuccessEra

Focus on putting smiles on the faces of the masses with thrilling and accurate information.


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