How to Revenge an Ex:  12 Proven Strategies

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how to revenge an ex

How to Revenge an Ex:  12 Proven Strategies

how to revenge an ex
Think of every possible means for him to regret

No one takes it easy after a breakup. It is painful and worrying. It is normal to go through the pain. I will share with you how to revenge an ex who really caused you pain. It sounds funny, right? The best revenge after a breakup is to show your ex that you don’t need him or her.

You equally feel better when you make up your mind that you don’t need him again. When you keep trying to get revenge on your ex, it simply shows that you are in pain. Don’t even do like you care about the breakup. We have few tips here for you about how to revenge an ex for dumping you.

1. Avoid Social media stuff

Letting everyone know the kind of person you were once with turned out to be a heartbreaker can be quite a hassle. There are always means or ways of doing that which will make your ex angry all time.

Deleting post that concerns you both from social media and timelines and pictures is all that it takes. Creating a text with the caption “in memory “by making the post a happy one without mentioning his name. Muting his post so you don’t see his post.

To let everyone know both are separated, get rid of anything that has to do with you both. If someone shows you the exit, you must move out without reason.  

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2. Get a Revenge Body

Hitting the gym and being in good shape is also a means of getting revenge shape. Some breakups are blessings in disguise.

Exercise and take off your mind anything that makes you love yourself more.

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Exercising to get a revenge shape will only give you a smoking hot body that your ex will regret letting go of.

Some do ask me how I can make my ex regret it. The answer is to give him the breakup he asked for and he will regret his own action.

Eat healthy to look good more than they could remember to improve your appearance and body. Cultivate some confidence in you as well.

3. Enemies of your Enemies are Your Friends

One thing that hurt most is your ex knowing you are friends with his enemies. It works faster. Getting in touch with those he or she has hurt, and making friends with them will only make him anxious seeing all his enemies from the past being united.

Make good friends to keep you moving. You have all in your hands to bring back happiness. The more you move with friends and keep happiness what makes him regret more.

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4. Send his new partner an anonymous Message about what he did

Creating a fake account to send messages or texts to the new person telling them how bad your ex was and how badly he or she cheated on you in his relationship. Revealing the new partner what happened etc. is a sure sign of revenge on your partner.

Telling the world about them on how they cheated on you will ruin their image. This will prevent other innocent souls from falling into their self-predominant tactics. It is the best way how to revenge an ex that hurt you.

5. Showing Him you don't Need Him

You may not want to start a new relationship as it could be early but flirting with other guys whenever he is around isn’t a bad idea for getting revenge.

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Your ex may see and want what he or she can’t have. Seeing you with another guy or lady makes him jealous.

Complimenting others in his present making the situation look more intimate is sure proof of revenge.

Try moving on and being happy without them. Go out and have fun with friends to create the impression you don’t need them. Remember to make them regret losing you.

6. The thing You Always wanted to do, Do it

The things you always wanted to do with him that u couldn’t do it. The vacation or trips you dreamed of. Even if your ex doesn’t notice any, you will live a fabulous life.

Keeping happiness can make you regain the happiness that you lost during the breakup. Never let that person carry away your inner happiness anymore.

7. Improve your life

Improve your life to grow as a person. Work on your career or find a better one. Reassess your life to know where you want to be. If only you looking at how to revenge an ex, then you must improve your living standard.

Note that, living a good life and happiness is the best revenge. Act like whatever happens did not take a toll on your mental health. Live your life like before, and move on without closure.

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8 Date One of His Friends

Dating his best bud is another way of revenge against your ex. As it could even ruin their friendship as they can’t stand seeing you date their friends.

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By this, always make sure you invite yourself whenever they are together just so you can passionately make up right in front of your ex.

9. Feel Empowered For the Breakup

Feel Empowered and never allow your ex to question your self-worth. Out from a relationship is quite hurtful but from a poisonous relationship is beneficial.

Because staying in one can only damage your self-respect and worth. You are worth it to be someone’s love cause u deserve love.

10. Get new sexy clothes dressing to kill

Don’t ever dress provocatively to seem desperate but rather in a sexy appeal and new accessories that bring sexiness to you.

Getting a little attention with a dress that fits well and is beautifully designed with colors will make your ex-man fume.

11. How to Revenge an Ex? Post His Ugly Picture

This is how to revenge an ex who doesn’t accord any form of respect to you. Just post a picture of him roughly dressed or let any of your friends do that on your wall.

You can hang this picture in his neighborhood. But remember this can lead to him bullying you if you are not careful.

12. Let Him Go

When you are looking for how to revenge an ex, let him go. He will be caught up by nature. You don’t need to do anything to show that you feel the pain. The best revenge on earth now is silence.

Don’t ask anybody about him. Let silence do the work for you. He will be thinking that you probably didn’t love him. That’s the best way to show the wicked that you are careless about their intrigued attitude.

By SuccessEra

Focus on putting smiles on the faces of the masses with thrilling and accurate information.

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