Things to Do After a Breakup: Let It Shock Them

Let me tell you the things to do after a breakup just like Mercy and Dromo did. Mercy tells a story about her breakup issues with Dromor which made her wise and smart after.
Mercy and Dromor Tackie-Yaoboi have been friends since mercy completed JHS at Young Christian preparatory school in Takoradi. Dromor becomes Mercy’s friend through Dromor’s cousin’s sister by name Alexandra Oti Mensah of which she also attended a young Christian school.
Mercy and Dromor became friends through a phone call to Alexandra her friend whom Dromor picked and decided to talk to Mercy because he has been hearing the name at home yet doesn’t know her.
Dromor proposed to be friends with mercy and yes she accepted it. Along the line, they become so close that their friendship is generated into a different level from that of dating.
Long story short, a lady friend to mercy by the name of Linda came crushing things down between mercy and Dromor just to be with him. They ended up being together secretly till one day mercy finds out herself through someone she knows and confirms it from Dromor.
That ends a beautiful thing they both started in a happy mood yet were crushed down. Below are the things to do after a breakup that got Dromor’s regret and shock.
1. Mercy crumpled strength for her self-care
Self-care to Mercy was one of the very important to look at after a breakup. It helps u put yourself in shape and in focus. It helps to set your boundaries with others.
Turning her attention she put into the relationship to herself. Creating a self-routine by doing something that nurtures her. Taking the opportunity to get more rest and learn skills that have helped her currently.
She did express her feelings but wallowed in them. Expressing her feeling of grief, anger, and loneliness helped her to accept those feelings. [ Check this post: I want to propose to my ex
again ]
2. She learned to respect each other needs
Respecting Dromor’s needs was a good thing she did after a breakup that got him shocked. Dromor insisted on being friends yet mercy decided to stay away even from friendship. She never allowed people to be talking to Dromor just to help them come back by so doing she would have loose respect. She accepted her fate and boundaries to help her in the near future relationship.
3. Focus on building positive qualities
One other things to do after a breakup is to build positive qualities. Trying to remind you of how these coupled managed there is by adopting the positivity of their reality. Looking into traits that speak to such qualities as emotions, strength, skills, etc that have value in a relationship and placed much focus into it that brought out the best version of her after a breakup.
4. Mercy rediscovered her old interest
What she loves doing and did best. According to mercy, breaking up doesn’t have to leave you broken but a time to rediscover your own interest that will help you in moving on. Establishing identity and pursuing dormant interests was one of the effective ways that helped mercy after a breakup that shocked Dromor.
5 Mercy got connected to people around her.
After a breakup, you might plan what to do next. This is the time to reconnect with friends, family members, etc. to let them know how you feel regardless. It’s time to learn certain new things even if it’s a new hobby you want to do it. [ Read More: He lied to me that he is single]
6 Get something to do
Venture into something profitable that makes you discover who you are in an outside relationship says, Mercy. They are the things to do after a breakup with your partner that you can shock your ex. Build skills that will help you pay you in paying bills and cater to other expenditures.
In conclusion, breakups aren’t a good thing to think about. Some situations made us separate from our partners or those we think we love. That isn’t the end of you. Learning about the things to do after a breakup will help you face any difficult effects of a possible breakup.
Cheer up, gather yourself, and make a better version of yourself after that shocks your guy leaving you.
In summary, breakups are most of the time rough and tough. If you wondering how to contain it when it is beyond you, contact us for a free guide.
It is good seeking for support when you feel depressed, feels to hurt yourself, or feel to contact your ex.
Always find ways to make him want you again in the relationship.
Recovering from a breakup takes time but be reminded that things get easy with time and alongside says Mercy.
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